Given the rancor in Washington, the annual State of the Union Address promised drama, and it didn’t disappoint. While President Trump appeared somewhat lethargic, he nonetheless articulated his signature political messages like border security. Additionally, the SOTU address exposed leftist Democrats for what they truly are: elitists who’ve lost touch with reality.
Leading up to the event, mainstream-media pundits harped on Trump’s supposedly combative personality. Assigning no responsibility to the Democrats for the Washington gridlock, outfits like CNN blasted the President for partisan politics. Yet anyone with functioning eyes and ears can attest to the lopsided contempt that the ruling class has for conservatives.

Throughout the SOTU address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made every effort to impose distractions. Repeatedly, Pelosi adopted an ice-cold glare while Trump laid out his vision for America. She only interrupted the “resting bitch-face” façade with her equally annoying smirks and condescending faces.
Worse yet, she would remain standing for extended periods of time while others sat down. During this time, she feigned reading the President’s agenda for the SOTU address, but we can read between the lines: Pelosi wanted to subtly mock the Commander-in-Chief with her impudence, and she largely achieved that goal.
However, her antics may have cost her Democratic party over the long run. Trump spoke hard truths during the SOTU address, and mocking these issues did the left no favors.
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Trump Red-pilled the SOTU Address
The evening started innocently enough. Contrary to liberal expectations, President Trump delivered several bipartisan issues, meeting applause on all ends of the political spectrum.
Where the SOTU address got dicey was when he discussed conservative talking points, such as illegal immigration. Notably, the (liberal) crowd turned against him when he bluntly stated Mexico’s role in instigating or facilitating the migrant caravan. Trump receive further boos and hisses when he advocated protecting Americans from illegal criminal aliens.

It was at that point that I, along with millions of Americans, wondered what exactly were Democrats complaining about? If we adopted liberal policies towards the southern border, we’d flood several states with untold numbers of Latin American immigrants. Without vetting or any sort of criminal background checks, our country would quickly fall into societal and economic collapse.
Moreover, several Democrats expressed similar outrage when Trump demanded an end to extreme-late stage abortions. Again, I must wonder: do the Democrats actually want infanticide as a matter of policy?
Surely not. However, that was the beauty of the SOTU address. Without warning, President Trump red-pilled the country and the world. Finally, someone forced the leftists to confront their partisan lunacy.
The boos and the hisses, then, had nothing to do with Trump. Instead, these political rats finally had their comeuppance at the biggest stage possible.
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