While an escalation into WW3 with Iran and its proxies engaged against Israel in the Middle East has dominated the mainstream news cycle in recent weeks, less attention was paid to NATO’s proxy war with Russia over Ukraine. Before touching on a few notable developments on the battlefield and diplomacy front since publishing “Part XXI: The Crocus” (Twitter thread), one key issue did not garner the attention it deserves when Capitol Hill passed a $95 billion supplemental ‘national security’ bill for foreign wars (video of Speaker Mike Johnson’s presser) in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan without a dime or action to resolve the U.S. border crisis. A piece of legislation that piggybacked on the war funding bill is the REPO Act. Here is the summary page and Russia’s response:
“This bill requires or authorizes various actions related to the confiscation and disposition of Russian sovereign assets (which include funds and other property of Russia’s central bank, direct investment fund, or ministry of finance). Under the bill, the President must require U.S. financial institutions to notify the Department of the Treasury of any Russian sovereign assets located at such institutions. The President may confiscate any such assets subject to U.S. jurisdiction. Confiscated funds and the proceeds of liquidated property must be deposited into the Ukraine Support Fund established by the bill. The Ukraine Support Fund shall be used by the Department of State to compensate Ukraine for damages caused by the Russian invasion. The Ukraine Support Fund may also support an international body or mechanism for (1) reconstruction and rebuilding efforts in Ukraine, (2) humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people, or (3) other purposes which support the recovery of Ukraine and the welfare of the Ukrainian people. The bill also directs the President to seek to establish, with foreign partners, an international mechanism to provide compensation to Ukraine using the Ukraine Support Fund and Russian sovereign assets confiscated by foreign partners. Additionally, the bill sets policy on related topics, such as specifying that the United States should lead an international sanctions regime to freeze Russian sovereign assets in conjunction with allies and partners.” – H.R.4175
Senior lawmaker threatens US with retaliation for ‘stealing’ Russian assets… “‘Washington made an overtly unlawful decision to steal [the assets]. This will certainly undermine the confidence of other countries, businesses, and private investors in the United States. And the principle of the inviolability of property on which the global financial system is based will be destroyed’… Also, he warned the decision will do ‘irreparable damage to international law by setting a precedent that enables any country to take a similar action. Now, our country has every reason to make symmetrical decisions against foreign assets,’ Vyacheslav Volodin said. – TASS, Apr. 22
Assets slated for liquidation and redistribution were initially frozen through several waves of sanctions by the collective West since Feb. 2022, which included cutting Russia off from (SWIFT) the international payment network. Mainstream coverage of the World Bank issuing a bankruptcy warning for Ukraine is nowhere to be found and that could be a contributing factor to politicos on Capitol Hill voting if favor of the supplemental funding bill. The truth is that sanctions have hurt Western economies while Russia’s has grown. Consequences of the REPO Act related to dedollarization, the expansion of BRICS+, and accelerated demise of the U.S. dollar’s reserve currency status was covered by Jim Rickards in a Feb. 2024 interview.
Jim Rickards: Seizure of Russia’s Central Bank Assets is a Treasury Default – Wealthion (10:01-18:06 timestamp)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson after “Uniparty” votes for $95 billion in foreign aid – Sunday Morning Futures, Apr. 21
Let’s rewind to late March after publishing Part XXI. Russia pummeled Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) and Defense Intelligence (GUR) operations with hypersonic missiles in Kyiv and another location that killed NATO officers in an underground command post near Chasov Yar. Estonia admitted on Apr. 1 that every NATO member has military personnel in Ukraine and they are terrified of Russia’s Zircon hypersonic missiles. The heightened level of attacks on power grid facilities, logistics infrastructure, and military targets is a dramatic shift in battlefield priorities after the cold-blooded massacre of civilians by a terrorist cell at Crocus City Hall in a Moscow suburb. As I type, the main TV tower in Kharkiv was destroyed (video) and that city is the second largest behind the capital Kyiv. The escalation followed revelations that Ukraine and Western intelligence sources were funding and facilitated coordination of the terror attack, and that it was not an ISIS inspired event. Russia is demanding extradition of the SBU head and launched a criminal probe into U.S. and NATO officials for financing terrorism.
“We already know the names and faces of the perpetrators and know that they ‘sing’ during interrogation. It immediately became obvious why American media shouted in unison that it was ISIS yesterday. The actors were selected in such a way that they could convince the stupid part of the global community that it was ISIS. These are Ukrainians. And the fact that just yesterday, even before the arrests, even before the names of the perpetrators were found, Western intelligence services tried to convince the world it was ISIS – that’s what gave them away.” – Margarita Simonyan, Editor-in-Chief of Rossiya Segodnya Media Group, Mar. 23
United States, Britain, Ukraine behind Crocus City Hall Attack – FSB Chief… “Alexander Bortnikov told the media ‘we are now talking about factual information and have a long record of this sort… Ukraine has been trying to prove it is capable enough. What is it expected to do to demonstrate its capability? Carry out sabotage and terrorist acts in the rear. This is what both the chiefs of Ukraine’s special services and the British special services are aiming at. US special services have repeatedly mentioned this, too… There have been drone strikes, strikes by uncrewed boats at sea, and incursions by groups of saboteurs and terrorist organizations into our territory.’” – TASS, Mar. 26
Russia has launched a military advance on all fronts within eastern Ukraine while neocons in the U.S. are busy admitting they want war with Russia and claiming that Putin wants to overrun Europe. The Kremlin has obliged the West’s aggression after timidly accepting the fact that they are in “direct confrontation” with NATO. Putin described any claims that he desires to dominate Europe are “false narratives and utter nonsense.” Meanwhile, the U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken mistakenly believes and publicly stated last week that Ukraine will eventually join NATO, and some media outlets have opined that it’s time to send in NATO troops. Reality is that Russia completely rebuilt its Military, has access to vast reserves of sovereign natural resources, its manufacturing base is roaring on all cylinders around the clock, and supply lines and transportation logistics are adjacent to the frontline. Ukraine does not have the same capacity, it has a severe shortage of bodies available to thrust into the meat grinder, its weapon depots and mobile armor are being summarily obliterated, and morale among its leadership, military officers, and foot soldiers on the warfront is collapsing.
Ukraine is at great risk of its front lines collapsing… “According to high-ranking Ukrainian officers, the military picture is grim and Russian generals could find success wherever they decide to focus their upcoming offensive.” – Politico, Apr. 3
The West is on a fast-track to relive memories that “it is bad to fight with Russia.” U.S. and NATO decision makers are unwilling to face the reality of defeat and refuse to negotiate peace while they espouse warnings of a coming nuclear exchange that may “end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.” A retired Australian general described Russia’s defensive lines as a “more complex and deadly than anything experienced by any military in 80 years.” Rumblings of defeat are leaking out of numerous legacy media outlets in the East and West. Examples include the Hindustan Times highlighting the destruction of U.S. Abrams Tanks and Newsweek reporting on bounties from Russian companies to seek and destroy them, The DC Weekly noted that Russian forces are capturing (video) or destroying Leopard 2 tanks and receiving rewards, and The Times in the U.K. printed a headline that stated “it’s time we talked about the fall of Kyiv.”
NATO’s Never-ending War: 75-Year-Old Bully is Faltering… “Anxieties are often expressed by other top NATO leaders and officials, who are either warning of an imminent war with Russia or criticizing each other for the dwindling influence of the once-powerful organization.” – CounterPunch, Apr. 22
Animation of NATO Expansion Since 1992, Finland and Sweden joined in 2024:
The Goat Rodeo that took place on the House floor and Senate this past weekend was shameful. I’m not sure where we’re headed as a country, but consider what Dmitry Medvedev said in a speech about the strategic borders of Russia. The U.S. should return to similar points of view that our nation’s founders envisioned. Unfortunately, Poland’s president stated today that his country “is ready to host NATO members’ nuclear weapons,” Russia is placing nuclear-capable missiles along all borders with NATO, and the U.S. is sending more military advisors (replay of Vietnam) to Ukraine.
In the meantime, stay frosty on the home front, ensure your financial house is in order, and keep the pantry well-stocked with non-perishables.
Steve Bannon On Ukraine And The Deep State: “They Want Us In A World War” – RedPillUSAPatriots, Apr. 21
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Congress Funding Death in Gaza and Ukraine – Judge Napolitano, Apr. 22 (17:55 to end)
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