Deciphering Volatile Trump Policies

Deciphering Volatile Trump Policies

Deciphering the latest twists and turns in Trump policies requires exceptional patience, and perhaps multiple degrees in psychology. Earlier on Sunday, the President threatened to renew the U.S. trade war with China unless the world’s second-biggest economy makes more...
QE Forever: A Lesson in Insanity

QE Forever: A Lesson in Insanity

The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. As such, we’ve long determined that central bankers aren’t working with a full deck. Their willingness to engage in quantitative easing, or QE for any fiscal...
Is Ride-Sharing App Uber a Hero or Villain?

Is Ride-Sharing App Uber a Hero or Villain?

Although understanding and utilizing technology is vital to my craft and profession, it’s also a point of fragmentation. In my personal life, I don’t really care too much for the digitalization mania’s encroachment. Just look at how many distracted drivers there are,...