When nearly everyone in the financial markets expects something to happen, usually something else happens. This creates opportunities for the few people who dare to use contrarian strategies during times of consensus. At the beginning of 2023, everybody and his uncle...
Let me be crystal clear: I am not calling a top in the stock market. I am, however, calling an end to the easy, massive returns that passive index fund investors enjoyed in 2023 and 2024. Let’s recap not just the past year (like many other commentators are doing), but...
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts got pretty much everything they wanted in 2024. They got a crypto-friendly President-elect and Bitcoin at $100,000 (more or less). They also have new ways to participate in the cryptocurrency market – but more choices isn’t necessarily the...
When markets rotate, sometimes they can over-rotate to extreme levels. It’s off-putting for rational investors, but this is when great opportunities arrive at your doorstep. Lately, the balance between momentum stocks and value stocks has gotten completely out of...
In finance, dissenters are often derided or ignored, and will only be vindicated after the fact. Such may be the case with a lone strategist who’s bucking the bullish trend and bracing for a rough ride in 2025. November’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) continued a gradual...
Just a few days ago, my dentist told me he was thinking about mortgaging his office to buy more Bitcoin. I was alarmed but not surprised, as FOMO (fear of missing out) hits the hardest when Bitcoin reaches new milestones like $100,000. Many years ago, the well-known...