Channel: Rethinking the Dollar channel Published on Feb 19, 2017 Take five minutes and watch this RTD educational documentation “Make Money Great Again” #MMGA. Visit to Make Money Great...
Channel: BullishMoney Published on Jan 3, 2017 Bankers fear bitcoin not because of its record rally in the digital currency markets — although it is doing just that — but rather for the freedom it represents. Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies...
Even though the electoral college is antiquated and should be thrown out, in the 2016 Eleciton it could be used to the advantage of freedom lovers if we can get Gary Johnson to win enough states so that neither Clinton nor Trump get enough votes to win and then the...
This is something we’ve been warning our followers about for the last 5 years. Be sure to watch our Sep 2014 Documentary “Death of King Dollar” where we predicted this and to see the other evidence that the US Dollar is dying worldwide The Death of...