China’s rise, energy & oil shale collapse, world debt levels growing exponential & More: This has got to be our best interview of the year! Steve St. Angelo is an energy, metals and mining expert with statistics and information you simply cannot get from anyone else. The stats WILL shock even a veteran in the alternative economic space and this is a must watch for everyone especially with the IMF SDR basket to add the Chinese Yuan less than one month from this release.

Get more from Steve St. Angelo at:
Precious Metals Investing Link from Steve & Tom Cloud

02:30 Diminishing Energy Returns: Something other PM Analysts Don’t Talk About
04:55 History of Oil and energy return on Investment
06:00 Technology Does Not Mean More Energy Return
06:50 $13.5 Trillion in Bonds at Negative Interest Rates
07:45 Supply vs Demand of Oil – Price to Collapse to $0
10:00 $12 per barrel Oil by 2020 Prediction
12:40 Global Silver production to crash 75% by 2025
16:20 Debt Collapse, base metal mines close, Gold/Silver Spike
17:30 2.2 Billion Oz of Gold Investment, 2.5 Billion Oz of Silver
19:40 $3 Trillion in Gold, Only $50 Billion in Silver
20:50 Silver Could reach 1:10 Ratio to Gold’s Price
21:20 Pivot East: SDR Backed Bond with Yuan in IMF’s basket
23:00 China will Announce Significantly Higher Gold Reserves
25:10 Indian Gold Buying Season to spike Gold Price 2016
26:00 Yuan in SDR Oct 1st will Change World Financial System; US Dollar & America’s world position is in jeopardy
27:30 Earthquakes from Shale oil to add to crash
29:20 Waste water a huge problem from fracking
34:30 Debt Growth worse than exponential, collapse soon
36:20 Get more from Steve & Buy Metals from Tom Cloud