The ebb and flow of financial markets are a normal part of the process, but in 2017 it felt like the cryptocurrency markets were throwing all the rules out of the window. The highs were exhilarating and the correction has been nothing less than traumatic for crypto investors, but is this volatility the sign of a bubble bursting, or merely part of a natural market cycle?

Crypto-preneur Jonathan Kaplan, the founder of Numeris Capital, was able to provide some perspective on exactly what’s going on in the crypto space today. Located on the worldwide web at Numeris.Capital, Mr. Kaplan’s cryptocurrency investment firm believes in blockchain technology’s potential to transform vast segments of the global economy.

After graduating as his high school valedictorian, Jonathan Kaplan accepted an academic scholarship from the McCombs School of Business at UT-Austin and left in 2012 with a degree in Management Information Systems. He spent two years in an executive training program at DuPont before leaving the company to become an investor.

Courtesy of Numeris Capital

In 2016 Mr. Kaplan split his life savings between Bitcoin and betting on Donald Trump (starting with the primaries all the way through election day), and then reinvested his profits into a basket of crypto assets. He soon found himself inundated with requests from friends and family to manage their money and set up Numeris Capital in the fall of 2017, with the aim of providing to his investors a broad exposure to the best the crypto space has to offer.

Today, Numeris Capital maintains an actively traded portfolio of crypto assets that provides a balanced exposure across a wide basket of use cases. Anonymity, smart-contract platforms, and decentralized marketplaces are among the pillars of Numeris Capital’s investment approach.

Crush the Street inquired about the state of the cryptocurrency markets, and Mr. Kaplan explained that he prefers to call what’s happened a “bubble”; he prefers to describe it as a cycle. And according to Jonathan Kaplan, every cycle we’ve had has been driven by a different group of people.

In early 2013, according to Jonathan Kaplan, the cycle was driven by the crypto-anarchists, the libertarians, and the anti-statists – ideologically driven segments of people. Then, over the last few years, the cycle has been driven by retail investors, many of whom were simply curious about cryptocurrencies.

In many cases, the retail investors were listening to the things that the mainstream media, the big money, and the computer hobbyist networks were saying about cryptos. But in this next cycle, according to Jonathan Kaplan, will absolutely be driven by big capital.

This is something that we see historically: roughly every 50 years since the Industrial Revolution, we’ve had a technological revolution, according to Jonathan Kaplan. It started with the cotton gin, followed by the steam engine and railroads, followed by the age of electricity.

Courtesy of Crush the Street


Automobiles and manufacturing came later, and then in 1971 with the microprocessor we had the age of information, according to Jonathan Kaplan. Thus, we could posit that crypto is an extension of that latest technological revolution.

As Mr. Kaplan explains it, big finance has really not gotten into crypto yet. With the New York Stock Exchange working to create a backed cryptocurrency exchange and numerous institutions providing custody, according to Jonathan Kaplan, it’s evident that big-capital investors have a desire to get involved in crypo.

What we’re looking at, according to Jonathan Kaplan, is big money coming in within the next couple of years. How that’s going to happen and where, are just a couple of the topics that Mr. Kaplan and Numeris Capital are researching very diligently right now.

Crush the Street suggests that you watch the full interview to get all the details on the state of the crypto space today, and you should also visit Numeris.Capital for more information on Jonathan Kaplan’s cryptocurrency investment firm.

It will also be worth your while to download Crush the Street’s suite of must-read reports, including our guide to the fortunes that will be made very soon in cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, our exclusive report on the massive profits flowing into the artificial intelligence sector, and for even more of these reports, check out our highest-conviction wealth-generating reports that can all be accessed right here.