Cliff shares his insights on the possibility of an Economic crisis looming under Trump’s watch and how his enemies will use that against him, we also look into the possibility of a Bull run with Gold and Silver despite the current disappointing markets compared to Bitcoin, Altcoins and Stocks.
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02:00 The Stock Market today
03:55 What is the Trump effect on the markets, if any at all?
06:30 An Economic Bubble bursting during the Trump Era
08:30 Precious Metals in today’s economic and political climate
10:30 The State recognizing Precious Metals as money?
11:50 Are there still politicians with the peoples interests as a priority?
14:15 Bitcoin Rallies! When will Precious Metals follow the trend?
18:30 Information is FREE, Education is expensive and the quality of life in America
22:30 Closing thoughts and outlook into 2018