As Bitcoin continues to reach headlines, we have a returning legend with us, Andy Hoffman from an expert in Precious Metals and a popular voice in the Crypto Currency scene.
Andy gives us his views on the relationship between the Crypto and Precious Metals Communities and the frustration expressed with Gold and Silver underperforming whilst Bitcoin and Altcoins remain Bullish.
With faith in the government and banks reaching at an all-time low across the world Andy explains why the ruling powers will never be trusted with money again!

To get more from Andy: Miles Franklin

1:45 What Andy saw in Bitcoin
4:45 The Precious Metal Space’s view on Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies
07:05 Can the State eventually control or effect Bitcoin?
10:15 Gold and Silver underperforming against Crypto Currencies Bullish Markets
15:15 For mainstream usage Bitcoin MUST prove itself!
19:15 How long can the Government’s Debt and Inflation process continue?
22:45 More Investment in Safe Haven Assets
23:40 Closing thoughts and where to learn more