Smart Money Piles into Last Year’s Top-Performing Commodity Investment
This commodity TROUNCED gold, silver, oil, copper,
and every other major commodity in 2015… ACCELERATING in 2016…
A mining magnate behind 1,995%, 1,333%,
and more huge winners from the last cycle just signed on…
A Large Swiss Institutional Fund just committed
$1 MILLION cash to the company’s financing…
There is a potentially EXPLOSIVE storm brewing,
leading to life-changing gains for early investors…
Groundbreaking is just MONTHS away…
[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Potash Ridge Corporation (TSX: PRK US: POTRF)

Dear Reader,
This is what a 10-bagger mining stock looks like when it’s just starting its run. Prices start to outpace everything else in the commodity complex. The “smart money” (including top mining entrepreneurs, who have created massive winners before) gets positioned.
The high-cash-flow projects are advanced into the final stages of development. The stock starts to move up, draws attention to the opportunity, and then it lifts off. That’s what’s happening to Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF) right NOW.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Top-Performing Commodity in 2015 Keeps Running Up
- Potash prices are down more than 60% from 2008 highs.
- Potash mines are shutting down.
- Potash mining stocks are dead money.
Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF) is not an MOP Mining Development Company
Its projects are focused on Sulphate of Potash, or just SOP. The difference between MOP and SOP may seem small, but they’re really the difference between nothing and a $1 BILLION+ mining project. Let me explain.
MOP, the kind of potash used in corn and soybean farming, is the #1 potash consumed in the world. SOP is used as fertilizer in the top CASH CROPS, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and tobacco. If you know the health food boom, SOP is a key starting ingredient. Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF) has literally millions of tons of SOP, too. You don’t have to take my word for it, though… the market speaks for itself. SOP potash prices — the kind Potash Ridge is developing — are trouncing everything else in the commodity world:Sulfate of potash (SOP) prices have more than doubled since 2008, from $430 a ton to $890 a ton in 2016. That’s a good run. It’s a great run considering the last few years of the commodity bear market. Best of all, the steady rise of SOP potash prices is more than enough to give Potash Ridge’s projects (more on them below) valuations 10x, 20x higher than its current market value.
However, it’s just the starting point for this rapidly unfolding story.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Epic Supply/Demand Imbalance

The difference comes down to supply and demand. In just the U.S., there is a real demand of 1.0 million tons annually, with just one producer in North America supplying a mere 300,000 tons of SOP potash annually. Worldwide is even more extreme.
The demand for SOP potash is 10-12 million tons per year and supply is under 5 million tons per year. This leaves us with a global deficit of 6+ million tons per year!
That simple fact is enough to attract big backers to this opportunity. But it’s only going to get worse. If you’ve read anything about the benefits of almonds, nuts, and fruits, you know how much demand for them has been rising. Farmers are ratcheting up production to meet that demand, too. In California, almond farmers planted 50,000 acres of new almond farms last year – a 6% increase from the year before.
Almonds need all the SOP they can get. So 50,000 more acres of almond farms are just another layer of demand hitting an already tight market. In short, SOP potash prices must go up… If history is our guide, SOP prices will likely explode higher.
Back in 2007, demand for MOP potash outstripped available supplies. Potash prices leapt from $200 to $900 per ton. Potash mining stocks followed with gains as high as 1,200% for major potash miners, and even more for junior potash miners. Basically, the supply/demand situation turned a great opportunity into a LIFE-CHANGING opportunity. Now, all the elements are in place to make it happen all over again.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF): The Next HUGE Commodity Winner
That all changed a few months ago when some of the smartest money in the world started getting involved. In the last few months, Potash Ridge shares have started to climb, and top investors are jumping in. For example, Potash Ridge attracted a $1 MILLION investment from a Swiss family office.
Robert Cross, one of the most successful mining developers of the 21st century, has joined the Potash Ridge advisory board, too. Cross is a seriously successful mining and oil entrepreneur.
- He was co-founder and non-executive chairman of Bankers Petroleum (TSX: BNK). It went from 43 cents to a high of $9.64… a 1,995% GAIN.
- He was co-founder and non-executive chairman of B2Gold (TSX: BTO). It went from 30 cents to a high of $4.30… a 1,333% GAIN.
- He was also a director of Athabasca Potash until it was bought out for $8.35 a share by BHP Billiton.
- Now he has joined the advisory board of Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF)…
First Mover in the SOP Potash Upward Trend
Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF) is the perfect play on SOP potash.
It has everything.
- Early-stage…
- Cheap…
- Huge, perfectly-positioned projects…
- Quick time to development…
- Big money backing…
- AND it’s all coming together right now.
SOP Potash Project #1 – Valleyfield – Quebec, Canada

Valleyfield is projected to produce 40,000 tons of SOP potash per year. Groundbreaking on construction of the operational mine is expected in a few months. When fully up and running, Valleyfield is expected to earn $13.3 million a year and have a net present value of $67 million.
The company is investigating the potential for expansion at the site after first 40,000 tons is in production. That valuation is based on a discount to the current SOP potash price, though.
If you include the current SOP potash price — or where they could be going in the next few months and years — the numbers get obscene. Keep in mind, Potash Ridge’s current market value is only $35 million! Pretty good deal, right? It’s enough to attract some of the smartest money in the mining industry. But it’s just part of the Potash Ridge story.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
SOP Potash Project #2 – Blawn Mountain – Utah, USA

Those development costs have led to the creation of a mining plan for 26 million tons of SOP potash over a 40-year mine life. Blawn Mountain is fully permitted to produce 640,000 tons per year. That’s almost 14 TIMES more production than from Potash Ridge’s Valleyfield Project featured above.
If we estimate $67 million for the net present value for the Valleyfield Project (and remember, that was based on half the current market price for SOP potash), Blawn Mountain is worth 15 TIMES more… That’s well over a $1 Billion.
Again, that’s all based on $645 SOP Potash Prices, and just the part of the Potash Ridge’s resource that’s 43-101 compliant. Using current SOP potash prices, the expected value is even greater. Using the potential SOP potash prices if they continue to their run, we’re looking at a project worth in the BILLIONS of dollars.
It’s staggering… especially for Potash Ridge’s current market value of about $35 million.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Potash Ridge could not be in the hands of better management!
Ross Phillips, CFO and COO: Mr. Phillips has 10 years of experience in the resource and energy sectors, primarily working on large-scale capital projects. Most recently, Mr. Phillips was Senior Manager, Financial Analytics, and later became Director of Business Development at Capital Power Corporation. Prior to this, Mr. Phillips worked for Sherritt International Corporation.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Top 8 Reasons to Immediately Research PRK
- Smart money buying in big
- Recently joined by Robert Cross, serially successful mining money-maker
- SOP potash is in a global supply deficit that is extremely bullish for the company’s main assets
- The valuation proposition is phenomenal: 680,000 tons of SOP production, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, in a company valued at less than $35 million
- The company is staged for production to begin as early as the end of 2017
- Healthy food boom is fueling demand for SOP
- SOP has been the best-performing major commodity over the last year
- With global currency devaluation, you want to own hard assets like PRK who have deposits to back up every single share!
With PRK shares trading at $0.38, the opportunity to be part of a mining story priced this low could vanish in a hurry.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Our Recommendation:
Consider Shares of Potash Ridge (TSX: PRK US: POTRF)
Prosperous Regards,
Kenneth Ameduri
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