COVID-19 has INDIRECTLY created the most OBVIOUS gold investment opportunity since 2002, as we see it.
The gold industry COLLAPSED in an almost UNPRECEDENTED fashion from 2011 until 2015. As a new subscriber, we want to make sure you KNOW what our top ideas are in the junior mining sector, which is HIGH-RISK, but as you’ll see, high reward as well.
Mining was LEFT FOR DEAD by 2015.
As a business owner, RECESSIONARY conditions allow entrepreneurs to capitalize on DISTRESSED ASSETS by buying them for next to nothing, but these DON’T ALLOW investors to enjoy a massive payday.
It’s important to understand that in resources, there are TWO MAJOR opportunities:
- Incorporating Companies in the Beaten-Down Years: This is truly magical since you’re bargain-hunting and purchasing projects at 10c on the dollar and sometimes less.
The MAIN PROBLEM with this approach is that the upside is capped, sometimes for years. It’s equivalent to buying beachfront land in Thailand in the 1930s. It was dirt-cheap but it took over 40 years to realize the gain!
- Joining the Momentum Right Before Prices Jump: Because it sometimes takes a FULL DECADE to see profits on cyclical investments, the second type of business owner is the EXIT STRATEGIST.
They COME IN and lead a company ONLY WHEN they’re very confident that in 2-4 years, they can MONETIZE the asset for full value or for BUBBLE VALUES, which are fantastic for shareholders.
This type is much better for us since we don’t want to wait 5-10 years to see returns, but it’s MUCH TRICKIER. Only a handful of business builders have the HUNCH and the gut instincts to identify such moments.
In this newsletter, we SEEK TO FIND such unique business builders and the one we built a relationship with is a SPECIAL ENTREPRENEUR.
Paul Matysek is one of only a few EXECUTIVES who have EVER correctly identified FIVE separate cycles like this, and that has resulted in TREMENDOUS value creation!

Consider becoming a shareholder of Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) NOW!

I currently rank this stock at the HIGHEST-CONFIDENCE rating I’ve ever given a small-cap gold company. Here are my CHIEF REASONS WHY:
- The company WHOLLY-OWNS the Toroparu project which, based on the Company’s 2019 PEA using $1,500 Au and incorporating its PMPA agreement with Wheaton Precious Metals, has a after-tax free cash flow of USD$1.77B during the life of the mine, representing an opportunity for a MAJOR MINER to purchase it/joint venture it and make a 27.68% after-tax IRR over a 24-year mine life!
In the process, the purchaser could pay back the entirety of the PRE-PRODUCTION COSTS of USD$378M in two years!
- The project has already been advanced to the tune of $150M being spent on it in the past 18 years!
The company’s current MARKET CAP is much lower that!
It is cheap compared to ALL OF ITS PEERS:
Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) could DOUBLE IN PRICE and still trade WELL BELOW its peer average. In fact, it could DOUBLE IN PRICE and just overtake its next peer and still be cheaper than the other 8 comparable businesses in the above charts!

Paul Matysek isn’t the only one who believes that this business venture could PAN OUT in a major way. Frank Giustra, a mining LEGEND, is the largest individual shareholder!
On top of that, Wheaton Precious Metals, which is headed by the best PROJECT EVALUATOR to ever live, in my opinion, Mr. Randy Smallwood, has committed $150M to finance the advancement of Toroparu into production!

This is the MOST POSITIVELY-LEVERAGED gold stock in the world right now, in our view.
I intend to cover the progress of this company VERY CLOSELY – subscribing to our newsletter GRANTS YOU ACCESS to these types of under-the-radar stocks.
Consider increasing or becoming a shareholder of Gold X Mining
Right now, the world’s MOST BULLISH investor and a person who NEVER BETS AGAINST AMERICA, is waiting on the sidelines and not buying YET. Warren Buffett not only avoided purchasing stocks during this panic but was actually LIQUIDATING them. Paul Singer, the hedge fund manager who sued the government of Argentina for defaulting on a loan his fund had made to them, just went public on his call of a 50% MARKET DECLINE and a must-own position in gold.
While 20% of S&P 500 companies have already suspended dividends and many others are to follow suit, the gold mining industry is BREAKING OUT.
Gold is up 70% in the past five years. Ray Dalio’s right-hand man forecasted the price reaching over $2,100 even before COVID-19 forced central banks and governments to print an ADDITIONAL $12,000,000,000,000 in money supply.
This is a potential FORTUNE-MAKING opportunity but we could see MUCH LARGER RETURNS if we own specific stocks on top of the physical metal.
The group behind Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) has created billions of dollars in SHAREHOLDER VALUE in this century:

As you can see, Gold X Mining’s largest individual shareholder is one of the CO-FOUNDERS of Goldcorp, the world’s second-largest miner!
They SEIZED the supersonic uranium bull market, repeated the success in potash and lithium, and have now PIVOTED BACK to gold.
Consider a position in Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) NOW!
If gold reaches $2,100, which is translated to a 20% increase from here, this company has the potential to INCREASE MULTIPLES in price because of the leveraged nature of its estimated production margins.
These charts speak FOR THEMSELVES:

The stock price is significantly DISCOUNTED compared to the developer index. Its measured & indicated resource is one of the BEST for potential buyouts in the industry. Its free cash flow estimate is one of the best as well. It is UNDERVALUED, even in the eyes of Canada’s LARGEST BANK, RBC.

The company has no FINANCIAL holes and COVID-19 ISN’T deterring it from PROCEEDING full steam ahead with its business plan. If anything, the contrary is true.
Consider a position in Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) NOW!
This company is run by one of the TRUE LEGENDS of the resource business and it is undervalued, according to Royal Bank of Canada, among other world-class analysts and investors that see the POTENTIAL UPSIDE, and it is leveraged in a big way to gold’s uptrend.
Consider becoming a shareholder of Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) NOW!
Consider becoming a shareholder of Gold X Mining (TSX-V: GLDX & US: GLDXF) NOW!
For further updates on Gold X Mining, subscribe now!
We are not brokers, investment or financial advisers, and you should not rely on the information herein as investment advice. We are a marketing company. If you are seeking personal investment advice, please contact a qualified and registered broker, investment adviser or financial adviser. You should not make any investment decisions based on our communications. websites. We have been previously compensated by Gold X Mining, for a ninety day marketing budget of three hundred thousand dollars, paid for directly by the company, this agreement has since expired. Our affiliate company, Gold Standard Media received three hundred thousand dollars for a ninety day digital marketing agreement that includes the letter you’re reading now. We have also purchased shares of the company through a recent private placement. We have also purchased shares of the company through a recent private placement. We currently own warrants and will not sell any within four weeks of any email coverage. We have engaged in a ninety-day agreement, which this publication is a part of, and have been compensated, directly by Gold X Mining, three hundred thousand dollars. Our stock profiles are intended to highlight certain companies for YOUR further investigation; they are NOT recommendations. The securities issued by the companies we profile should be considered high risk and, if you do invest, you may lose your entire investment. Please do your own research before investing, including reading the companies’ SEC filings, press releases, and risk disclosures. Information contained in this profile was provided by the company, extracted from SEC filings, company websites, and other publicly available sources. We believe the sources and information are accurate and reliable but we cannot guarantee it.
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