States Looking for Currency Alternatives

States Looking for Currency Alternatives

The Federal Reserve has had a monopoly on money for longer than I have been on planet Earth. The FED is supposed to be the buyer of last resort, and lately it seems like it may be the only buyer. Central banks such as the Fed, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and...
Goldman Sachs Buys Poloniex

Goldman Sachs Buys Poloniex

The last several months have been very turbulent in all markets. U.S. equity markets have been hit with volatility that many thought would not come. Several hedge funds with managers that knew that this short VIX trade would wear off eventually made over 6,000% in a...
Crypto Riches and The Blockchain

Crypto Riches and The Blockchain

After an incredible 2017 in the crypto world and the years leading up to it, we’ve had fortunes that have been made. I’ve personally seen more Ferraris, Maseratis, and Lamborghinis than I ever remember. Either this is the QE-fueled stock market or...
Gold Winning, Winning, and More Winning

Gold Winning, Winning, and More Winning

Most of us gold bugs watch the price periodically to see where the paper derivative GLD stands. We know that this derivative instrument really has no bearing on the fundamental price whatsoever. Even so, we stare at the tickers on websites, television, and at local...